Wednesday 22 August 2012

"Our God Is Truly An Awesome God"

[1 May 2011 : Selayang Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia]

God is good, all the time - there might be times when you feel God is not there & you just want to give up on everything but let me tell you, your feelings are wrong about God - He is a good God & you just have to submit to Him & let Him work in your life - "let go & let God" - then you will begin to experience Him just like I did. I know it is easier said than done but if you never try, you will never know.
I would like to share my testimony with all of you and I hope that it will encourage you to boldly share Christ' unconditional love to the people around you - Amen!

From this incident, I could clearly see that He truly has a plan for me here in Selayang (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) because He is now revealing them to me one by one - Amen! Every unpleasant things that happened to me was actually a blessing in disguise and to also test my faith. I have tasted His love and I will do anything for Him! I am fervently praying that His will be done in my life. Last Sunday (1 May 2011 – Labour Day) after church service, I decided to go to Selayang Hospital (5 minutes away from my church) because when I prayed a few weeks back,the Holy Spirit told me to go there to pray for someone and due to my tight schedule I didn't attend to this but as I seek Him that Sunday morning during church service, He reminded me again! So this time, no more delaying - I prayed before I go so that He will direct me to the right ward and person that I will meet or pray for. Its really amazing how God works and I fully obeyed His calling and depended on Him that very moment.

True enough, He directed me to a Catholic family where a brother was knocked down by a car and flew off from his motorbike in Kepong (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) area Saturday night (the night before his church wedding) while waiting at a traffic light @ 3 am in the morning. He was unconscious and just recovered from a coma. The doctor said his brain could not register properly and while talking he can actually fall asleep but the sad part was his fiancee (supposed to marry on the 1 May 2011 in a church wedding) was there too but she was a Hindu - as I laid hands to pray for Simon Raj (the patient), I heard a small still voice telling me that he will be healed - Amen! Hallelujah! I am now praying for them as his finacee is from a Hindu family and I hope you can also pray that God will continue to use me to share Christ love with them and that His healing hands will always be upon this brother.

Lisa Lim ~ My Testimony

"Honoring God's Gift"

I could recall the Holy Spirit visited me after my baptism that night (year 2007) in my room and was guided to composed songs in the spirit. Eversince then, I started to pray to God that He will open doors for me to touch lives through the songs that I have composed with the help of the Holy Spirit. All glory & praise be to our Father in heaven. Hallelujah!

What you are is God's gift to you. But what you become is your gift back to Him. Let your gift shine as a beacon of light for His glory! My life was transformed when I asked God to help me discover and develop my gifts and talents. His Word promises that when my gift is in place, it will open doors and bring me before great men. I strongly encourage you to develop and use them to bless others and bring glory to God.

Like I mentioned earlier, I was certainly filled with the Holy Spirit more than ever now after my church camp (August 2011) recently and His gifts on me were activated and I was truly amazed seeing things I thought I could never do. It happened the very next day after the camp in my room as I was doing my devotion. Suddenly, the Holy Spirit prompted me to switch on my keyboard - I fully enjoyed the Holy Spirit's presence as I laid my fingers on the keyboard that morning. Truly an unforgettable experience when two spirits are connected. I praised & thanked God for this divine arrangement - to know Him and His plans for me - His beautiful plan.

Lisa Lim ~ My Testimony

Saturday 18 August 2012

"God Is Shaping Me"

I could recall the Holy Spirit visited me after my baptism one night and guided me to compose Christian songs. I have a dream and I started to pray to God that He will open doors for me to touch lives through these songs. All glory & praise be to our Father in heaven. Hallelujah!

"Lord You Are Worthy To Be Praise" ~ Lisa Lim

I now understood the truth that we are saved by grace through faith. The Holy Spirit guided me to write a poem and then set the words to music.

Composed By : Lisa Lim

You are our hope
In You we live
You are the light that make us see
You lead us in Your righteousness
We want to worship You our King

In all our hearts and all our soul
You fill us with Your mighty love
A victory with shouts of joy
We give You praise in everything

Lord You are worthy to be praise
Now and forever You will reign
Oh what a glorious God
With mercy and with grace

You are forever in our lives
You've given us eternal lives
We stand before You Lord
And give You all our praise

For You are
Holy God
Our hearts are set on You Lord

Forever You will be
Our God, our King
Our King

Friday 17 August 2012

"I Will Sing Forever; Jesus I Love You!"

I will sing forever, Jesus I love You ~ Oh Lord, let the heaven shout Your praise and all the creation bow down to worship You ~ Jesus, my soul yearns for You, Your love means more than life to me - let me delight in Your incomparable perfections and glory - Hallelujah!

"This Is The Way For You To Walk"

[14 January 2012 ]

My heart was already praising Him early in the morning and during my quiet time again, His Spirit spoke to mine :

"This is the way for you to walk. A way of holiness and peace. A way of obedience and correction. It is a lovely way, but you cannot walk it alone, for there are many dangers and pitfalls. If you walk with Me, you will be able to see the dangers and take My hand and bypass them".

"Focusing On Who God Is"

Focusing on who God is empowers us to release and relax. He is a big enough God to make happen whatever He wants to happen. We don't have to perform; we just need to cooperate with His plans. And if He's saying to just sit quietly, then He knows what He intends to do. We can trust HIM.