Thursday 16 August 2012

"Trusting God's Will" (Part 2)

(Part 2) ~ Trusting God's Will

I was in pain - the kind of pain I cannot described and so I began to ask God, "Why?!"...."Why me and why is this happening?!"....I was very frustrated with God during that time and it was not the first time incidents like this happened - many times I wanted to move from that area to another but I just couldn't find the right home or the right location! Now, things have gotten worst and I started to blame God - I began to questioned Him for all that has happened! I even raised my voice and told Him that I will do whatever it takes to move out!. I called my Pastor and told him about the incident but he was quiet. After a while, I was stunned when he told me : "NO!".

I was truly shocked when I heard him telling me that I should not leave the house but to stay on for another 6 months! Now, that really made me lose my mind for a while but I managed to hold myself together and asked my Pastor. My Pastor told that the Lord revealed to him that I must stay in the house for that period of time for His purpose to take birth. Again, I broke down in tears but this time, it seemed my tears were never-ending and my heart felt so much in pain. My Pastor said that the ultimate choice is still mine and the Lord said to him that He has a great plan for me. I stopped crying and said to my Pastor that I will need to pray about this and so I did.

That night, my whole destiny was changed - by God - when I allowed Him to fully take control of my life!

"TRUSTING GOD'S WILL" (Part 2) ~ Lisa Lim
Lisa Lim ~ My Testimony

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